11 items
Book - 1987
The Cat in the Hat
by Seuss
Book - 1957
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Book - 2005
Murder on the Orient Express
eBook - 2003
eBook - 2016
Pride and Prejudice
Book - 1991
A Is for Alibi
eBook - 2010
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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
eBook - 2009
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Book - 2009
Mrs. Dalloway
eBook - 2022
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The Authors Most Often Mentioned In Crossword Puzzles (Book Riot article)
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Want to know more about the crossword survey? Check out this article for a summary as well as numerous infographics which break down the results into a number of different categories (more mentioned by genre, newspaper, decade, etc.). Want to know more about the crossword survey? Check out this article for a summary as well as numerous infographics which break down the results into a number of different categories (more mentioned by genre, newspaper, decade, etc.). Show less
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